What happens if I cancel a session or fail to show up for my scheduled session?
We appreciate that sometimes things change at the last minute and you are unable to attend as planned. In all cases, please cancel your place on our booking app as soon as you become aware that you cannot attend in order to free up the space and allow anyone who may be waiting for a slot to book on.
If a session is fully booked, we may charge a £10 no-show / late cancellation fee, should you fail to attend or cancel your place less than 10 hours prior to the scheduled start time
What if my payment fails?
If your payment fails, we will notify you within 48 hours and provide you with a link to update your payment information. Normally it is simply a case that your card details have changed and you’ve not provided us with the updated information. Following a failed payment, provided your payment details have been updated and payment has been processed within 7-days, your membership will be unaffected.
If your payment remains outstanding after 7-days unfortunately we will have to revoke your session booking access to until payment has been made. Should a payment remain outstanding beyond 14-days an additional £10 late payment fee will be automatically applied.
In all cases, the term of your membership agreement and commitment to future membership payments remains unaffected
I’m unable to attend BTF for a short period, can I pause my membership?
We offer the facility to be able to pause your membership for 1 month during the term of your membership agreement. Your monthly membership will not be charged for the month you have chosen to pause however an additional month will be added to the term of your agreement. You can only use the pause facility once during your membership term.
If you wish to use a 1-month pause facility, please e-mail us at: hello@bodytransformfitness.com
Please allow 7-Days notcie for pause requests
What if my circumstances change and I want to cancel my membership?
BTF acknowledge that personal circumstances can change and offer a fair and reasonable cancellation policy which is over and above the guidance provided by the citizens advice bureau which you can find information about by clicking here.
You may be eligible to cancel your membership if your personal circumstances change due to any of the following reasons:
-Redundancy. If you are made redundant by your employer you may cancel your membership. We would ask you to produce a letter from your employer confirming your redundancy as supporting evidence to be able to process a cancellation request.
-Long term illness, mental health, surgery or injury. Should you be unable to or advised not to participate in exercise on medical grounds due to illness, mental health surgery or injury we would ask you to provide a letter from your GP, Consultant or an NHS medical practitioner. Unfortunately we cannot cannot accept letters from physios, osteopaths, chiropractors or therapists in private practice.
-Pregnancy. It is safe to exercise throughout pregnancy with specific modifications which your coach would advise, however we appreciate that in some cases you may not wish to or are advised not to. In order to cancel your membership, we would ask you to provide documentation from your GP, Consultant or Midwife as supporting evidence to be able to process a cancellation request.
-Requirement to care for an immediate family member. If you are required to become the primary carer for an immediate family member and wish to cancel your membership, we would ask you to provide a letter from an NHS medical practitioner on headed paper confirming as such as supporting evidence to be able to process a cancellation request.
-Re-location. If you relocate to a new address outside of a 15 mile radius from BTF, we would ask you to provide a letter from your solicitor to confirm your relocation after exchange of contracts if you are buying a property. If you are moving into private rented accommodation, a bank statement, utility or council tax bill in your name confirming your new address will be required as evidence to be able to process a cancellation request.
The Following documentation is accepted as evidence.
Redundancy – Confirmation letter from your employer
Medical, Pregnancy or Primary Carer – Letter from your GP, Consultant, Midwife of NHS Physio.
Relocation – Letter from your conveyancing solicitor or utility bill (council tax, gas, electricity, water) or bank statement in your name at your new address.
Any information you provide us with regarding your personal circumstances is treated in the strictest confidence.
Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate cancellations for reasons outside this criteria or accept as evidence any document not listed above.
Please note that out of fairness to all clients and those who have provided supporting evidence for past cancellations, our staff our unable to action a cancellation request until supporting documentation has been received, however there is always the option to use the 1-month pause (if applicable) in the interim while you obtain the necessary documentation.
If you meet one of the above criteria, wish to cancel your membership and can provide an accepted form of supporting evidence, please e-mail us at: hello@bodytransformfitness.com
Please note that all cancelations are subject to a £35 administration fee which must be paid in order for us to terminate your membership agreement.
The notice period for all cancellations is 14-Days subject to the correct evidence being supplied (if applicable).
Body Transform Fitness is a Trading name of TENEX FITNESS LTD 9 Delta Close, Norwich, Norfolk, NR6 6BQ. A company registered in England & Wales. Company number: 14048036